Drama Academy, Widnes & RuncornWe are extremely pleased to be working in close partnership with the Drama Kids, Widnes & Runcorn to bring you: Drama Academy.
Together we are able to provide a term-by-term programme in schools for children in school years 2-6 that is delivered by highly qualified teachers. This internationally acclaimed Drama Academy benefits tens of thousands of children around the world each week. Each class follows a curriculum designed by worldwide experts. And the great news...this only costs £4.75 per week! Here are some of the extensive range of skills that the children will develop at Drama Academy: SPEAK AND MOVE CONFIDENTLY ANSWER IN FULL SENTENCES FEEL GOOD IN THEMSELVES IMPROVE CONFIDENCE AND ENTHUSIASM INCREASE SELF ESTEEM ACT IN PLAYS WORK IN GROUP SITUATIONS MEET NEW FRIENDS DISCUSS SOCIAL IDEAS IMPROVE LISTENING SKILLS ENCOURAGE ENGLISH LANGUAGE If you would like to register your child for Drama Academy, please click on the button below that will take you to our Registration Portal. If you are a school leader and you would like further information about Drama Academy, please complete the form on our Contact page.