STEP1: Please complete the registration form to register your child for Drama Academy, ensuring that you have completed all of the information accurately.
STEP 2: Once you have completed this, please then click on the button below to pay the booking fee if you have been asked to do so on the letter/email that you have received by MYGUK Education Services. You are required to complete Step 1 and Step 2 for each term that your child participates in Drama Academy. Please note that Drama Academy is delivered by Drama Kids in your child's school. Drama Kids will not be providing 'free taster' sessions. Anyone wishing to have a trial session MUST contact us beforehand. In completing the registration form, you are acknowledging that you will be paying for all the sessions of the block. Registration Updates:Please check this box before registering your child. This will let you know if we have reached the maximum number of places at your child's school. 25/11/24 RE-ENROLMENT FOR THE SPRING TERM 25 IS NOW OPEN FOR ALL SCHOOLS. |
Booking Fee
The booking fee for this activity will be £6.25 and this is payable by debit card. Remember, please only pay this if you have been told to do so.